1800 244 735

About Us

Huntington’s NSW ACT was incorporated in 1976 to develop and run support and educational programs for people affected by Huntington’s disease. They were an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation governed by a Board elected annually by our members. In 2024 Huntington’s NSW ACT merged with four other state and territory associations to become Huntington’s Australia.

For more information, please visit www.huntingtonsaustralia.au.

Our Focus Areas - Information, Education, Advocacy and Awareness

Our Goals

  • Be the HD information channel for community members and care professionals within NSW and ACT
  • Ensure specialised HD education is available to HD community members and care professionals within NSW and ACT
  • Provide HD-specific support that improves the quality of life for those impacted by HD
  • Respond to the concerns and aspirations of our members through advocacy that aims to improve government policies and services within disability, health and social care and justice systems
  • Raise awareness of HD in communities where people with HD live and more broadly

Key Milestones

A graphical representation of the history of Huntington's NSW ACT

Our Advocacy

At Huntington’s NSW ACT we:

  • lobby governments to fund specialist HD social workers
  • campaign for HD specialist residential and community services in regional NSW and ACT
  • campaign for NDIS planners and providers to understand the needs of people with HD
  • campaign for appropriate care for people with HD within the justice system
Huntington's staff and supporters