1800 244 735

Travel Assistance

Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) is a NSW Government scheme that provides financial assistance towards travel and accommodation costs if a patient needs to travel long distances for health or medical treatment that is not available locally.

I’m a carer and I need a break…

Carer respite is not covered in the NDIS. What words do I need to use when talking to the NDIS planner so that I can get some respite to help me to continue my caring role.

NDIS: Moving from home into residential aged care

Q.)  My dad has turned 65, and he is currently living at home. Will he still receive support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) when he moves into residential aged care?

NDIS planning

NDIS planning  This workbook has been written for people with HD who are eligible to be an NDIS participant.  The National Disability Insurance Scheme provides funding support to allow people living with HD to live the life they want. To access the scheme, your NDIS planner will need to understand your needs. Working through this … Read more